Studentsteget is a competition between several academic sports associations in Sweden. Our goal is to engage students to an outdoor workout. The competition starts on April 6th and ends on May 31st. Also, the competition is divided into eigth challenges during eigth weeks where we will be taking us between different cities in Sweden, to be more exact – we will visit the participating club!

There are a lot of prizes for both YOU and your sports association. We hope that many of you can join the competition. Follow the instruction below in order to apply for the competition. It's free of charge. See you on Strava. 

PS We will not, for instance, run to Stockholm for real but we will run together in order to get the same amount of distance to Stockholm.

How to apply
1. Go to
2. Create an account, either through your Facebook-, Google-account or new account
3. On Strava, you can click on the menu and select “explore”. Therefore click on “Clubs”
4. Search “KAUIF”
5. Request to join KAUIF, and you have now joined our club
6. Download Strava on your mobile device
7. Log in on the app and allow the app to use your GPS
8. To register a training session, press the middle icon “Record”
9. Select sport and click on “Start” 
10. When you completed a training session, the time is automatically sent to Strava's website and convert into points in KAUIF

We are now over 300 participants!!! 



*Updated once a week